Springs Eternal: Florida’s Fragile Fountains of Youth
John Moran and Lesley Gamble

John Moran’s Springs Eternal Exhibition
Florida Museum of Natural History.
Clerestory window photo by Lesley Gamble.
Photo by Jon Fletcher.
Springs Eternal: Florida’s Fragile Fountains of Youth features Florida nature photographer John Moran’s 30-year love affair with the springs of Florida.
Photo and text panels chronicle the story of our springs—their beauty, their ecology, and the people who are drawn to them, body and soul.
Compelling then-and-now photographs show that many of our springs are in serious decline; their flow diminished because of groundwater overpumping, their waters choked with algae fed by sewage, manure and fertilizer, their future uncertain due to political neglect.
But all is not lost and there is much worth fighting to save. The exhibit includes a Ten Things We Can Do to Save our Springs panel by Springs Eternal Project co-director Lesley Gamble, which lays out a vision for sharing this priceless gift—one of the most beautiful and productive aquifer systems in the world—with our children and theirs, for generations to come.
To see a high-resolution PDF of the exhibit panels, please click here. (It will take a few seconds for this large file to load.)
A companion video kiosk features springs videos by Lesley Gamble, John Moran, Eric Flagg and others.
To book the Springs Eternal exhibit in your community, contact John Moran at JohnMoranPhoto@gmail.com.